It's not stalking if you don't watch them sleep.

And now, for your voyeristic entertainment, brought to you by the many, many security cameras located all over the Dark Zone, we here at the Cryochamber are proud to present the Still Frames...for when you want to know what's going on but aren't nosy enough to ask. Just peek in on someone when they don't know you're looking.

We've had to keep a particular eye on the undead assassin recently, since he's been going through a few changes and not quite acting himself. Therefore, the majority of the stillframes are from his surveillance. However, he is currently seeing a doctor, and hopefully will be feeling his old self again. (If he's not feeling his old self, I know someone who would like to!)

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This page was last updated on September 8, 2000. It's 7:18 pm--do you know where your Alive Dead Guy is? Another PSA brought to you by your friendly BGL. @~:|8